Fastest ways to promote your only fans

OFU (OnlyFans University) is not affiliated with OnlyFans.

OFU is the first online university teaching students 🎓 how to get more subs by promoting their Only Fans.

The first course we dropped was on how to get more fans on Only Fans.

You can find the course here: – the course was designed by me, and it shows how I became a top affiliate for OnlyFans.

At #jewbreath and #weareofu we teach creators how to promote themselves and get more fans on OnlyFans so they don’t need to give 50% to an OnlyFans “agency” – although we do offer marketing and messaging services at

Unlike traditional “e-pimp Only Fans Agencies” agencies, at, we don’t put you in a shady long term contract, or make you switch your banking details in your OF account, or at the end of the contract own your social media accounts or take a crazy 50% management fee.

Our contracts are simple (and editable by you.)

  • Term: 3 months

  • Compensation: We take 20-30%

  • Early Termination Fee: $0 (we just ask you to pay for whatever days we handled your account)

  • For more information and to see the OFU 🎓that represent @jewbreath follow @zwallman and @weareofu on Instagram.

#jewbreath #onlymessengers #weareofu